What’s changing in the way of working and management?

Good management Ellis Fox Blog

The new year is a time when people often reflect on what they should change in their lives. New year’s resolutions abound – and usually last a few days. Many companies experienced the great resignation in 2022 and know how difficult it is to find the right skills and expertise. As a result, managers may be contemplating what they can do differently to retain the expertise they have on their teams to enable them to be productive and happy at work.  We highlight what successful managers are doing differently:

Understanding work and life priorities

For decades the average corporate culture implied that to be successful you needed to give your all to work. This often came at the cost to family, personal health and well-being. Good managers are not only dismissing this rhetoric, they’re also working to change work cultures. It’s not about the hours being spent at work, but about productivity.

If a task can be completed in a morning, it’s not a reason to pile more work on that person. It’s an opportunity to thank them for working efficiently by giving them time off. Additionally, good managers recognise that family responsibility is not a burden to the company, but rather an essential part of life. Giving team members the flexibility to attend a child’s football match or work from home when they have family responsibilities shows employees that their needs matter. The benefit is that when employees feel supported, they tend to be more engaged and productive.

Clear communication

Strong managers are also good communicators. They take the time to get to know their team members individually by regularly scheduling 1:1 meetings. In these meetings the discussions are not just only about communicating expectations for delivery, they’re also about finding out what employees need in terms of resources or support in order to do their job well.

This extends to helping employees progress in their careers and build on their skills and knowledge. When opportunities for courses come up, it’s easy to identify who to send because managers already know who has the interest and aptitude to learn about a specific technology or skill.

The key commonality in good managers is that they’re invested in the well-being of their team. They recognise the value they contribute to the company and work to support them to the benefit of the company as well as the team.