Digital infrastructure Ellis Fox blog

How can the UK accelerate infrastructure development?

It’s no secret the country’s aging infrastructure is in dire need of improvement. In fact this has been the argument for gaining approval for some of the more ambitious rail projects such as Crossrail and HS2. The problem is that while most people will agree […]

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UK infrastructure future Ellis Fox Blog

The future of UK infrastructure

There are grand hopes that it is the development of infrastructure and utilities that will help stimulate growth in the British economy. Funding has been made available and frameworks announced. But the questions remain: What does infrastructure of the future look like? Will the industry […]

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Smart motorways emissions Ellis Fox Blog

Smart innovation – can smart technology help lower emissions on highways?

The technology for smart highways is already being rolled out on several major motorways in the UK, particularly in and around London. To date the focus of the smart technology has primarily been on reducing traffic congestion and improving road safety for commuters. As it […]

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What’s needed to enable more intelligent transport technology in the UK?

Driverless cars and intelligent transport systems are no longer the thing of dreams. While this technology has been talked about regarding the transport of the future for some time – that future is soon to become reality. With global trends towards lowering emissions and incorporating […]

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What is holding back highways innovation?

The number of road users is increasing exponentially every year, adding to road congestion and maintenance costs. On top of that many local authorities have had their budgets cut, limiting infrastructure development. While there are calls for innovation and a different way of thinking, new […]

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